Nicolás Cambas

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Das bietet Dir Nicolás Cambas am wasserFEST

  • 3 x CAMINOCREATIVO – HARMONY IN SHADOWS PRACTICE, Achtsame Bewegung | Klasse / Practice
  • 1 x CAMINOCREATIVO – UNLEARN TO BE PRACTICE, Achtsame Bewegung | Klasse / Practice

Playfulness, empathy and intuition

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.”
― Tao Te Ching

CAMINOCREATIVO training process is an offer to walk inside the mystery of what is shifting and emerging in our reality and in ourselves in these times of rapid change. 

It is not a dogma, nor a religion, nor a method, not a school. It is a process: a set of experiences which are ever changing, and at the same time contained inside concrete frames with archetypal foundation, with the purpose of facilitating EVOLUTION. 

Nicolás' main tools are playfulness, empathy and intuition. He started this journey dropping out from mainstream at age 21, after having his first shamanic experience and becoming a nomadic clown for seven years in Latin America. 

The hidden energy behind the “Fool path”

He performed for a living in streets, markets, buses, everywhere. This connected him deeply with the hidden energy behind the “Fool path” or trickster archetype, bringing him to go in depth with the magical world of Andean-Amazonean Shamanism, receiving initiations, exploring rituals, musical roots and cosmovisions with some native american communities like Quechuas, Cofanes, Q'eros and Awa, while clowning with and for them. 

He also studied performatic arts with varied teachers, and through time developed a methodology to share the insights of all these mixtured experiences, discovering and developing a compound which offers creative, therapeutic and evolutive possibilities which became CAMINOCREATIVO.

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