Graham Brown

Meditation, Peacebuilding-Architektur & Councils

Das bietet Dir Graham Brown am wasserFEST

  • 1 x THE WAY OF COUNCIL – MEN'S CIRCLE, Achtsamkeit | Circle
  • 1 x THE WAY OF COUNCIL – WITNESS CIRCLE (WOMEN & MEN), Achtsamkeit | Circle
  • 1 x TWO WINGS ON THE BIRD – AN INTRODUCTION, Achtsamkeit | Workshop
  • 1 x TWO WINGS ON THE BIRD – FEATHER 1 WILLINGNESS, Achtsamkeit | Workshop
  • 1 x TWO WINGS ON THE BIRD – FEATHER 2 COURAGE, Achtsamkeit | Workshop
  • 1 x TWO WINGS ON THE BIRD – FEATHER 3 FEARLESSNESS, Achtsamkeit | Workshop
  • 1 x TWO WINGS ON THE BIRD – FEATHER 4 CLARITY, Achtsamkeit | Workshop
  • 1 x TWO WINGS ON THE BIRD – FEATHER 5 SURRENDER, Achtsamkeit | Workshop
  • 1 x TWO WINGS ON THE BIRD – FEATHER 6 TRUST, Achtsamkeit | Workshop
  • 1 x TWO WINGS ON THE BIRD – FEATHER 7 FLIGHT, Achtsamkeit | Workshop

Live in gratitude for the beauty and simplicity

If we are not to keep going round in circles...
we need Two wings on the Bird
Practice... and living of it in daily life
Discipline and Surrender.

At 70 I look back, and recognise my life in these words, and live in gratitude for the beauty and simplicity bestowed by them.

In this crazy world with its everyday wonders and cruelties, I find myself deeply blessed and awake, to the good, the bad, and the very ugly, in which we play.

If our world is to change
My only knowing is,
that it is we who must change.
When we are full, and see the other... not as other
but as brother, sister, lover.
We will not harm ourselves, each other, or our earth.
My prayer is we understand and act upon this simplicity,
before it is too late.

Invitation to undertake a Journey of re-connection to silent formless awarenes

Peacebuildings is a project designed to transfer that wisdom and offer an invitation to undertake a journey of re-connection to silent formless awareness. A Journey of no Distance.

The re-connection to interconnected silent awareness is the foundation for a world where we have the strength and wisdom to move beyond actions promoting division and personal or group survival, to ones supporting peace, sustainability and mutual well being.

We are the Problem we are the Solution 

I have spent a life falling into bear traps and having to unearth the source of my foolishness in order to make my way out. It is my pleasure to offer the fruit of that experience and a vision of a future where we all play our part in the collective well being of our planet at the wasserFEST.

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wasserFEST 2023