Piera Novion
Family Circle, Frauen, Singkreis & Zeremonien
Das bietet Dir Piera Novion am wasserFEST
Connecting Earth and Sky: A journey through meditation, breath and sound
Art: Klasse / Practice
Inhalt: Soundhealing
Häufigkeit: 1
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20Timetable
- Donnerstag: 12:00 – 13:30, Am Waldboden
Connecting Earth and sky
We are beings traveling between dimensions. Through this practice we will go from our deep roots that connects to the center of the Earth to our Crown that connects us to the center of the Cosmos, our Central Sun.
Through sound, breathing and voice practice we will activate our chakras one by one, allowing ourselves to get in touch with them and understand the different qualities of their vibration.
In this way we activate all our energetic pilar center, connecting Earth and Sky and allowing us to be conscious beings that serve as channels for the energy that travels through us.
From this activation we will sing together in order to experience the power medicine of uniting our voices and vibration in ONE.
The value of Pieras “Connecting Earth and Sky: A journey through meditation, breath and sound”
In order to sing is very important to first learn to listen inside and align our inner vibration. In this way we can activate our central energetic channel that allows our voice to travel carrying our true intentions, being able to join with other voices and raise the vibration all together.
- 1 x EXPRESS FROM YOUR WOMB!, Singen / Musizieren | Frauenkreis
Express from your womb!
Art: Frauenkreis
Inhalt: Singen / Musizieren
Häufigkeit: 1
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20Timetable
- Mittwoch: 19:30 – 21:30, WOMANifestation - Das Frauen-Zelt
Bringing the sacred balance between Feminine and Masculine
In this women circle we will work on two chakras that are very connected between them. One is our 2nd Chakra, related to our sexual energy and our self recognition, and the other is our 5th Chakra, related to creativity, expression and communication.
As women we have a lot of inheritage memories that are held in this two chakras. Now is the time where the Feminine is recovering its place in Mother Earth, bringing the sacred balance between Feminine and Masculine. As women we have the opportunity to liberate this memories and cut old believes that don’t serve our purpose anymore.
Come to explore your relation with your body, to activate your sexual and creative energy, and to express your own truth. We will work with ritual, movement and singing.
All women welcome, even if you are not bleeding or you don't have a physical womb anymore.
open the door to our true expression
When we connect to our womb we open the door to our true expression...
Welcome to this Women Circle where we will travel through the cicles of the Moon reflected in our wombs and through the different archetypes associated to them.We will connect to our womb and allow us to feel and embrace this powerful source of creativity and sexual-vital energy. From this inner connection we will activate our voices and sing in order to express out and liberate old memories, allowing us to vibrate in joy a beauty embracing all our creative power.
gemeinsamSEIN – der tägliche wasserFEST Family Circle mit Stephan Mader & Piera Novion
Art: Circle
Inhalt: Singen / Musizieren
Häufigkeit: 1
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 400Timetable
- Samstag: 15:00 – 16:00, Dancefloor
Sharing medicine Music together
Hello brothers and sisters!
We are pleased to invite you to join our family circle at this year's wasserFEST.
We will begin this sacrd space with a sound healing session, aligning ourselves through vibration, arriving here and now.
From this inner space we will express our own sound to the outside, exploring different singing dynamics and sharing together medicinal music in celebration.
Come as you are, beautiful soul.Das Wertvolle an Piera und Stephans “Family Circle”
Beautiful space to gather all together with the Wasserfest family, connecting between us and with the element spirits around us through music and sound.
We wait for you!
Piera & Stephan - 1 x OPENING CEREMONY WOMENIFESTATION, Zeremonie | Zeremonie
Opening Ceremony WOMENifestation
Elisabeth Cartellieri, Petra Friederike Brandstätter, Azra Gangl, Piera Novion, Dany Jones
Art: Zeremonie
Inhalt: Zeremonie
Häufigkeit: 1
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 30Timetable
- Mittwoch: 17:00 – 17:45, WOMANifestation - Das Frauen-Zelt
Offizielles Opening des Frauenzelts am wasserFEST
Fünf Tage tauchen wir als wasserFEST Frauen in ganz wundervolle, inspirierende, uns nährende, uns aufrüttelnde, uns liebevoll abholende, uns mit unseren Licht- und Schattenseiten auseinandersetzende und als das was wir wirklich sind unterstützende Impulse im Frauenzelt ein.
In einer kleinen Zeremonie gleich im Anschluss an das diesjährige wasserFEST Opening treffen wir uns als wasserFEST Frauen vereint und eröffnen diesen magischen & kraftvollen Sacred Space gemeinsam.
Auch eure Tochter sind in dieser Zeremonie von Herzen willkommen. - 1 x SINGING CIRCLE: FOUR ELEMENTS WISDOM, Singen / Musizieren | Circle
Singing Circle: Four Elements Wisdom
Art: Circle
Inhalt: Singen / Musizieren
Häufigkeit: 1
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 50Timetable
- Freitag: 17:00 – 19:00, Dancefloor
Journey through the Medicine Wheel
Many ancient traditions have interpreted reality through the quaternity cosmovision. They plasm this understanding in different symbols like the Medicine Wheel, the Chakana, the Celtic Cross, and many other which are related.
Through this understandings, there are 4 Elemental Spirits which confórmate everything that we see; Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Understanding this forces and developing a good relation which each one of them is a key to understanding ourselves and to be able to work with this energies in us or with others.
In this ceremony we will share ancient wisdom and songs about the 4 directions and the 4 Elementals. Through singing and ritual we will connect and honor our Earth-Body, our Water-emotions, our Fire-intellect and our Air-Spirit.
Welcome to this beautiful journey through the Medicine Wheel.
The value of Pieras "Singing Circle: Four Elements Wisdom"
Honoring Earth, Water, Fire and Air is a way of connecting with the elements that compose all matter including us.
We invite you to this beautiful journey through the Medicine Wheel were we will be singing and sharing wisdom about the Four Element's Wisdom.
wasserFEST ausKLANG – Piera Novion
Art: Show Act
Inhalt: Konzert
Häufigkeit: 1
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 300Timetable
- Donnerstag: 21:00 – 21:45, wasserFEST Stage
🥰🙏💖 Details folgen in Kürze 💖🙏🥰
- 1 x WASSERFEST OPENING CEREMONY, Zeremonie | Zeremonie
wasserFEST Opening Ceremony
Annemarie Lombard Puntschart, Stephan Mader, Piera Novion, Dany Jones
Art: Zeremonie
Inhalt: Zeremonie
Häufigkeit: 1
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 300Timetable
- Mittwoch: 15:00 – 16:30, Dancefloor
Einander im Kreis wiederbegegnen – von Herz zu Herz und auf Augenhöhe
Gemeinsam am wasserFEST ankommen.
Uns im Kreis der wasserFEST Family von Herz zu Herz verbinden
und auf Augenhöhe begegnen.
In das kraft- und heilsame Feld der Gemeinschaft eintauchen.
In das Dorf, das seit nun mehr 11 Jahren in Folge mit ganz viel Liebe zum Details von Christian und Dany und all den WUNDERvollen HerzensfreundInnen und WegbeleiterInnen aufgebaut wird.
Als Stamm wiedervereint sein.
In tiefer Verbundenheit mit Mutter Erde und Vater Himmel.Kraftvolle Opening Ceremony
In einer kraftvollen Openenig Ceremony eröffnen wir als wasserFEST Family vereint das diesjährige wasserFEST.
Wir freuen uns schon von Herzen darauf, wenn es endlich soweit ist und wir alle wieder zu Hause in unserem wunderschönen wasserFEST Wohnzimmer uns im Kreis begegnen, für fünf Tage die Zeit einfach stehen lassen, ins pure Hier und Jetzt eintauchen und die Vision von einem Leben in Balance, in Gemeinschaft und Frieden real werden lassen.
Allowing myself to shine again
My name is Piera and I feel honored and happy to participate from this beautiful gathering.
I went through some experiences in my life that, at some point, made me ask myself deep questions about the meaning of existence and my role in this world.
This questions moved me to start searching into different experiences and cultures, all of them were guiding me towards my deep roots, so from there I could start recognizing myself, healing my path and allowing myself to shine again.
I give thanks to every learning that I have received from different experiences, cultures, masters, plants, minerals, animals, and many beings that have crossed in my life. All of them allowed me to embrace my deep roots and nourish my self from them so I could touch the sky.
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Voice and singing
Some years ago, after a Plant Medicine ceremony, I felt the call to start singing again. This was the beginning of a journey that keeps amazing me every day. I was able to heal old trauma related to my expression and open again my fifth chakra to express my own true.
Understanding the power of vibration through voice and sound have allowed me not only to get to know myself better, but also to manage my own vibrational patterns and frequencies through different practices.
I am now very happy to be able to share this path with others and to inspire them to start their own journey of exploration. All voices are of value and deserve to be heard.
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Women, Crystals and Yoni Eggs
Another kingdom which have always been part of my path is the mineral one. Connecting, exploring and studying the different structures and vibrations of each cristal have been a very useful tool to heal and expand myself.
As a women, I had to heal a lot of old memories that were held in my womb that carried me through a beautiful and deep journey of connecting with my cycles and my menstruation.
Through this exploration, crystals became a great masters, so I decided to studied Crystal and Yoni Egg Therapy. I am very happy to share this knowledge with sisters that are also on this path, that is for me the main sense of Women Circles; sharing and keeping alive different knowledges that are esencial for the balance in Earth.
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